Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Day 3

Today was the first day when i decided to save money and travelc heap hence i took a bus then train n again bus reaching my office after 1 hour...I reached at 11 and just as i was acquainting myself with the day's work Natasha Mam turned up there to our surprise....but she seemed pretty impressed with the way we worked and all...later jsut after that came Sarita mam the CEO of the company...she too seemed pretty happy with our work.She asked us to focus on house keeping hence we drew the layout of the office in detail in order to decide how evrythign can used optimumlly...As it was the despatch day evryone was evry busy in their work in order to avoid any delays......i then read and researched on my next sem project on adaptive cruise control technique.Left early fmr work arnd 4 and was happy to knw that i have an off on thursday which means i m not working tom :) Came home tired as i travelled back the same way i went :( and with my driving class later in the evening i left completely exhausted :(....but the very thought of tom being no working day makes em feel happy and energetic :)

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